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From Kenya

Worry: how to conquer it

From the September 1988 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To conquer worry it is essential to reject wrong thoughts, to keep our consciousness aligned with the absolute goodness and dominion of God. Any thought that is dark, mortal, ominous, is wrong and will lead to worry if we do not refuse to accept it. As we think more and more of God, good, and so reverse wrong thoughts, worry leaves us and the perfect peace that stills an overwrought consciousness eventually becomes ours.

Christian Science reveals that God, divine Mind, is the only real Ego, the only Life there is. Although we all appear to be mortals with personal minds of our own, our actual identity is God's image, the spiritual man of His creating. The mortal sense of selfhood, with all its aggressive suggestions of worry, is an illusion to be proved unreal by our demonstration of what we truly are—man, the individual and complete reflection of the divine Ego, of the one Life, or Mind. Our actual identity as God's man cannot worry, since God made man perfect. When challenges arise that seem to contradict this spiritual fact, however, our need is to prove to a greater degree than we have before that we are that man.

This spiritual fact of man's sonship with God is basic to the Christ-power that Jesus demonstrated in his healing work. Christ Jesus knew and proved God's allness and showed that evil in any form is a negative, mortal belief, not an actuality. He demonstrated that all power belongs to God and that man, as God's beloved child, reflects this power, which gives him complete dominion.

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