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Giving thanks

From the November 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Waking to a dawn-chorus of birdsong, we can sometimes feel that the whole of nature is giving thanks to the creator. There is an irresistible uplift in this outpouring of praise.

The Psalmist knew the value of song to uplift the human spirit. He said, "I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving." 1 When we do take time to give thanks to God, the Giver of all good, we find praise enlarges our perception of divine Love's presence and power, and our lives are changed— often radically and unexpectedly so.

A man who spent thirty-four years in the ministry of his church gives thanks to God for his healing in a testimony reported in an early issue of the Journal. He writes that for many years he had "assailed" both Mrs. Eddy and her teachings.2 Through his theological training he had come to think of God as the author of evil. This concept had obscured his understanding of Deity. Then one day, after a prolonged illness, he resigned his pastorate and later went to Europe for a rest. While he was in Switzerland he had an accident and traveled to Oxford, England, to recuperate.

2 See The Christian Science Journal, August 1912.

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