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Testimonies of Healing

My first contact with Christian Science was...

From the November 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My first contact with Christian Science was as a preschooler. When pain in my ears would become unbearable despite several days of medication and doctor visits, my father would call "the lady." As soon as he did, all pain would disappear quickly. This happened more than once, but my father never told me whom he had called because my mother was opposed to what she thought Christian Science was.

Later, as a teen-ager, I became interested in Christian Science on my own after I found and read my father's copy of the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. I found the courage to leave the church I had been attending. I met "the lady" at the local branch Church of Christ, Scientist. She was a Christian Science practitioner and later became my Sunday School teacher. She inspired me to become a member of a branch church and of The Mother Church while I was still a Sunday School student.

Christian Science was a great blessing to me when I was stationed with the military in Alaska. I was healed of depression and loneliness when a practitioner pointed out Psalm 139 to me, especially the portion where it says, "The night shineth as the day." I came to see that God's light and warmth are the same in every latitude, north or south. The verse became literally true every June 21, when the midnight sun shone "as the day." But I now had a deeper meaning of that psalm revealed through Christian Science, and that revelation made my stay in Alaska a happy one. I began to enjoy my military placement and found abundant companionship and wholesome activity, including inspirational branch church work.

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