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Is reverence obsolete?

From the November 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Reverence may not make the top ten list of qualities for many of today's newsmakers. It may not seem important for the corporate or political image. But it will always rate high on the list for those who love God.

Far from being an occasional or an assumed attitude, reverence comes from within—from the heart. It's a natural response to the awe-inspiring fact that God, infinite Spirit and Love, really does exist and is always at hand to guide and heal us. Our consciousness of Spirit's ever-presence and of the consequent unity we have with God naturally stirs our hearts with love and gratitude for our oneness with Him.

It's not the nature of Christ's church to conform to popular thought. It exists to uplift mankind and to help bring individuals' lives into closer accord with divine Life, God. Church services, approached and attended with reverence, support this healing purpose and hold benefits for all in attendance. And each of us has a part to play.

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