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Is God thinking me?

From the November 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Aware of the Christian demand on us all to strive to get closer to God, I sought recently to gain a deeper understanding of Him as Mind, one of the synonyms for God, found in Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy.

I reasoned that man, being divine Mind's image, or idea, must be conceived and maintained by Mind. Suddenly it was as though a door opened in consciousness, and a great light shone in. The thought came clearly, "God is thinking me!" I glimpsed my closeness to God. How could an idea be closer to anyone or anything than to the Mind that is thinking it?

But as I pondered the matter further, I realized that thinking implies human reasoning. One dictionary defines the verb think as "to subject to the processes of logical thought esp. in order to reach a conclusion." God does not have to reach a conclusion. God already knows. He apprehends directly, immediately, all there is to know of His entire spiritual creation, including man, since He is eternal, all-knowing Mind.

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