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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science first came to my attention...

From the August 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science first came to my attention while I was walking home from junior high school with a new friend. She told me that through her study of Christian Science she had been healed of various diseases. I was very interested. I thought this was good news, and I could not wait to get home to tell my parents. Our family were faithful, active members of another denomination. My parents listened politely, then stated their view that although God is omnipotent, He cannot heal disease. The enlarged concept of God was put aside. However, I was always aware of this friend throughout senior high school, and of her independent, worthwhile activities.

Time passed, I was married, and we had a family of three daughters. Periodically a baby sitter was needed, and a friend gave me the name of an excellent one; she was in her seventies, loving, lively, and a Christian Scientist. The children always wanted her to come because she played with them and loved them. She and I talked about her religion occasionally, and I always felt better after our conversations.

Later our family moved to another city. There, I was in a new situation, living in an upper flat as opposed to the larger home we had left behind. I had no friends, and my husband was disappointed in his new position. All this contributed to my feeling both fear and sadness.

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