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Testimonies of Healing

Several years ago, as a result of a freeway...

From the August 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Several years ago, as a result of a freeway accident, I was taken unconscious to a small hospital in the suburb of Los Angeles to which I had recently moved. A diagnosis there stated I had an injured knee, facial lacerations, a cerebral concussion, and broken ribs. I remained unconscious until nearly midnight, when I woke and found myself in a moving ambulance. An attendant explained that I was being taken to a major medical center for brain surgery and then added, "We called that number you gave us. A man answered and said he'd 'get right on it.'"

At that point I had no memory of the accident nor of having given any number, but I recognized the reply as that of a Christian Science practitioner for whose number I had always had to use a directory! Silently I gave thanks for this evidence of omniscient Mind's ever-present care. Next morning the surgeon in charge remarked, "This lady may have needed brain surgery last night, but she doesn't need it now." I was told I could be discharged but must stay as immobile as possible for some months in order for the ribs and knee to mend.

Because my daughter and her family, who live near me, were away on vacation, the practitioner came and took me home. As I limped into my house, feeling pain with every breath, I thought bitterly that I must never have understood a single thing about Christian Science or such a catastrophe could not have befallen me. At that moment an old guilty feeling of having failed my husband suddenly surfaced.

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