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Should it be surprising to think of the Christian Science movement as still new? As someone once said, "A movement moves." Articles on the subject of Church and movement appear regularly in this section.

Goals and progress in the branch church

[Original in German]

From the August 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When Christ Jesus journeyed through Galilee, people were healed. As a ship leaves behind a shining white trail on the sea on a clear moonlit night, so the light of deep joy and awe must have remained in many of the villages and towns he visited. Invalids were well, immorality had been overcome, melancholy had given way to the assurance "The kingdom of heaven is at hand."1

Over the centuries Christians have had many opportunities to prove that, as Jesus said, they are "the light of the world."2 Yet like the first Christian communities, whose problems the letters of the Apostle Paul so vividly tell us about, today's churches do not always fulfill their purpose sufficiently. For example, self-righteousness, conservatism, spiritual laziness, may have replaced freshness, spiritual openness, and the striving for progress. If this applies to our own branch Church of Christ, Scientist, we need to reverse the situation by realizing our debt to the Master, Christ Jesus, and to Christian Science.

One way a congregation that has recognized the need for more spiritual growth can address the challenge is to set spiritual goals for itself. These goals should point the way out of seeming stagnation, should help members realize the great task of bringing healing and awakening to their fellowman. And these goals can assume as many forms as there are branch churches. The divine Mind is boundlessly rich in ideas and lovingly has the right solution on hand for every situation and every need.

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