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Reading the mental landscape—from the frontiers of new...

From the August 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Reading the mental landscape—from the frontiers of new technologies to redefined family structures, from changing values to new financial, religious, and political contours—requires a new kind of skill and devotion.

Shifts of scene are sometimes breathtaking, sometimes bewildering, in their rapidity. Fundamental questions of meaning and reality stand out suddenly like a range of mountains rising unexpectedly from the plains in the distance.

Thoughtful books, films, and articles from various fields may help to focus our questions more sharply. From time to time "Threshold" looks at the contemporary landscape, not in an effort to reduce the staggering complexities of late-twentieth-century life to comfortable proportions, but to help throw light on what is truly revolutionary in these times—spirituality and love. A spirituality that isn't merely a mental attitude but a wholehearted response to Spirit. A love impelled by that which can only be described as divine—the very substance of being, the only thing that brings lasting healing and wholeness into our lives.

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