Pieces and partials abound on the shore.
Hints of the whole held in fragmented hues
Segments of circles
Sections of curves
Spirals and splinters
All simply clues.
Pieces hold promise. We know there is more
Beyond all those breakers—yet here we stand,
Unsteady, uncertain
Cautious and careful
In ankle-deep waters
Anchored—in sand!
Ezekiel went forward—with not even an oar.
Swirling and foaming, the waters rose higher.
But led by the Spirit
Held by the Father
He found "waters to swim in"
A lift out of mire.
Who knows what treasures the depths have in store?
Still, avoiding a challenge, we splash by the rim,
Contented with fragments
Wading and waiting
"Testing the waters."
It's high time to swim!