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From its founding, Christian Science was described not simply as a Church but as a new religious movement. It remains new in heart and spirit. As someone once said, "A movement moves." Articles on the subject of Church and movement appear regularly in this section.

How each of us can forward the Cause of Christian Science

From the April 1990 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A cause is that which produces an effect. The Cause of Christian Science certainly produces lasting and profound effects on its adherents— the effects of regeneration, spiritualization of thought, healing. Testimonies published in the Christian Science periodicals over the past hundred years, as well as those gratefully related at Wednesday evening testimony meetings in Christian Science churches throughout the world, bear witness to such effects.

Smoking, drinking, and drug addiction have been overcome. Broken human relationships have been restored and strengthened. Business problems have been resolved, and the crushing burden of lack has been lifted. Physical illnesses of every nature have been healed. Lives totally regenerated. Thought spiritualized. Harmony realized.

How does such healing come about? God's harmony becomes evident in our experience as human thought changes its base from matter to Spirit, from evil to good, from the unreal to the real. The understanding that Christian Science gives of the nature of God as Love and man as His likeness, naturally leads one to endeavor to express more love, kindness, and thoughtfulness.

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