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Don't bite the apple!

From the April 1990 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When our children were very young, they used to tease each other unmercifully—much to my dismay. Often, one would try to get the other to accept some incredibly tall tale. If one child was gullible enough to react to it, the other would laugh and taunt, "Ha, ha ... you bit!"

Over time, I've thought a lot about that mocking taunt, "You bit." It reminds me of the Biblical allegory in the book of Genesis, where a talking serpent entices Eve to eat fruit from the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil. Most likely you remember that after taking the bite, Adam and Eve felt naked and ashamed. Not only did they see and feel evil but they were kicked out of the garden of Eden, where life had been so pleasant. To them God became unforgiving and wrathful.1 And, unfortunately, mankind continues to suffer from this mistaken concept of man's state.

The good news is that Christian Science healing proves the Adam and Eve depiction of a sinful creation to be a myth. Spiritual healing demonstrates that God's perfect creation, as recorded in the first chapter of Genesis, includes no disease, lack, or discord in any form. By this account, man's selfhood is intact and never outside the divine kingdom. Whenever individuals stop biting the proverbial apple— the belief that reality is a mix of good and evil —and strive to align thought and action with God's ever-present love, they open the door to experiencing more of their God-given inheritance of health, intelligence, and beauty as His blessed child.

1 See Gen., chap. 3.

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