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Gaining the crown of salvation

From the April 1990 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Cross and Crown seal on Mary Baker Eddy's writings and the Christian Science periodicals reminds Christian Scientists the cross is necessary on their way to attaining the crown of salvation. Before heaven can be realized, that harmonious state of being which Christ Jesus said is not a place "here" or "there" but "within" man (Luke 17:20, 21), mortal mind's resistance to spirituality must—and can—be overcome.

When the truth of God and of man 's
relationship to Him as His idea becomes real to
human consciousness, it is revealed in healing.
Each demonstration prepares us for a higher one.

All who profess to being Christian Scientists must strive to realize fully that mortal mind and its concomitant, matter, represent an unreal, limited concept of life, not an actuality, and that God and His manifestation, man, constitute the reality of being. If they live according to this realization, following Jesus' example, they and the rest of humanity will know more joy.

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