Who's in control of your life? Does it seem that everyone has a say about what you can do, when you have time, how much money you have and how you can spend it? For many of us the answer to "Who's in control?" might be "My parents/wife/husband/ children." Or "My boss/teacher/ scheduler/patients." Maybe even "The weather/the government/ social expectations and responsibilities." Perhaps it's time we took a look at our situation and asked ourselves, "Do these people or influences have legitimate power over my life?"
The Bible makes plain that there is one God—one all-Powerful Being—who alone creates and governs all, including man. Further, we understand God to be as Christ Jesus revealed Him: an infinitely good Father, perfectly caring for His children and willing only health, holiness, and joy for them. Since this God is the only cause of all reality, it follows that true existence must be wholly good.
Does this concept of one wholly good cause, without equal or rival, seem naive? Is it far removed from our daily experience? The five physical senses surely don't give us evidence of a universally good cause governing all men in harmony. But, through spiritual sense, we can learn more of God's government and His love for man. This will enable us to prove in our lives that divine Love is truly governing us.