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Eliminate the grounds for disease

From the October 1996 issue of The Christian Science Journal

People sometimes find it hard to pray about disease, illness, injury, or for that matter, any difficulty. The symptoms and circumstances in the human scene are often so tenacious— and apparently so solid—that we may feel unsure.

Actually, in all of the time I've spent praying about things, I can't ever remember feeling confident when I've prayed about material difficulties as though they were realities. "Well of course they're realities," anyone might say. "There would be no need to pray about a difficulty that isn't real."

Is it possible for any particular disease to exist and not exist in the same moment? Clearly, there isn't anything that can be real and unreal at the same time. Could it be possible that for God, disease isn't real—ever? That question may be surprising, but it has a lot to do with healing spiritually. Yet how could illness be real to the human mind and not to God?

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