How can mere words describe what Christian Science means to me and to my family? The following healings represent a very small portion of the great many I have experienced throughout my life.
My first year of college meant I was hundreds of miles away from home for the first time, and I seemed to be overwhelmed with fear. But I knew where to turn, and I did so, by getting out my Bible and my copy of Science and Health. I studied passages relating to God's all-power and His all-presence. I knew that God had complete control over the entire universe (which included me wherever I happened to be), and that God was all good (which left no room for fear or error of any sort). I was so uplifted by my study of this truth, that for many weeks afterward I found myself giving a cheery "Hi!" to every student I passed on campus. Even though a few looked at me rather strangely, most were happy to return the greeting!
Within half an hour our daughter roused, looked at me, and asked if she could have a bubble bath! She was healed.