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Testimonies of Healing

How can mere words describe...

From the October 1996 issue of The Christian Science Journal

How can mere words describe what Christian Science means to me and to my family? The following healings represent a very small portion of the great many I have experienced throughout my life.

My first year of college meant I was hundreds of miles away from home for the first time, and I seemed to be overwhelmed with fear. But I knew where to turn, and I did so, by getting out my Bible and my copy of Science and Health. I studied passages relating to God's all-power and His all-presence. I knew that God had complete control over the entire universe (which included me wherever I happened to be), and that God was all good (which left no room for fear or error of any sort). I was so uplifted by my study of this truth, that for many weeks afterward I found myself giving a cheery "Hi!" to every student I passed on campus. Even though a few looked at me rather strangely, most were happy to return the greeting!

Within half an hour our daughter roused, looked at me, and asked if she could have a bubble bath! She was healed.

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