The Christian Science Sentinel* has been very, very helpful to me for the past several years. I was raised in Christian Science and have a sense of the Sentinel's role amongst Church publications. During my college years I subscribed, but in my twenties I let it fall off. Then about two years ago, when faced with a problem which could only be resolved through a more dedicated study of Christian Science, I found myself reading the Sentinel with focused attention. For the past two years, I've been reading every issue. I must admit to a backlog; I don't always finish an issue a week. But I enjoy having a stack I haven't yet delved into waiting for me.
I read everything inside the Sentinel's covers. The "News and Commentary" articles seem like a new touch. I enjoy snippets of news, especially when they show how we share the same desire for peace, in neighborhoods, etc., as people of other faiths. I recently realized I have become more appreciative of other faiths, and I believe this can be linked to your inclusion of ministers and people of other faiths inside the Sentinel. I also subscribe to The Christian Science Monitor, so that might be influencing my tolerance of other religious faiths as well, with its coverage of world conferences on peace, etc. I welcome this growing understanding of the importance of tolerance and the love inherent in it, and I credit the Sentinel with helping me address this.
Two testimonies that stand out among the many, many riches of the testimonies you publish in the Sentinel are the one of the man in a coma and the person in prison on a life sentence. These stretched my knowledge of what kind of healings I have every right to expect. I have had a moment or two where I've thought, "If that person could emerge from a coma untouched, this small problem of mine can be resolved!" The testimonies are always helpful. They also give a comforting sense of community, and remind me that others throughout the world are working on the same concerns as myself.