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Waking up from the waking dream

From the February 1996 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In my own experience, I've found many worthwhile reasons for studying Christian Science, the law of God. Especially significant has been the help received in waking up from the waking dream of life in matter.

The teachings of Christian Science stand on the eternal reality of life in and of God alone—in divine, infinite Spirit—as demonstrated by Christ Jesus. The Master taught that God is Spirit. Therefore Christian Science draws the logical conclusion that the offspring of God, Spirit—in other words, man—is entirely spiritual; he always has been and ever will be.

The Science of Christianity elaborates on man's true, spiritual nature. It helps us understand that belief in life in matter is an error, a mistake, ignorance of what God made and sees as real and present. This so-called existence has its being in the darkness and restrictions of mortal thought, in a supposed material consciousness apart from the one, infinite, divine Mind.

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