I often contemplate, "What is God, divine Mind, knowing right now? What is Mind seeing as the present state and condition of being?" If I am the image and likeness of divine Mind, then I must reflect what divine Mind knows— and I want to claim every single one of its powerful, healing thoughts as mine!
One thing I have learned of divine Mind through Christian Science is the profoundly simple truth that God, Mind, is All. In Unity of Good, the author, Mary Baker Eddy, presents a dialogue between good and evil. At one point, good responds to the suggestions of evil, "Your assumptions insist that there is more than the one Mind, more than the one God; but verily I say unto you, God is All-in-all; and you can never be outside of His oneness." Un., p. 24.
Think of it! All life is manifested within the infinitude of God's allness and is therefore good. All reality is within the one Mind, within the divine consciousness, which man reflects, and this is our only true consciousness. Such spiritually scientific reasoning helps us to understand that healing through prayer is a bringing to light of the harmony that forever exists within the divine Mind. It's an awakening to what is true of God and man. It does not, then, take place outside our thinking in some circumstance or condition.