Our Master, Christ Jesus, has given us tender reassurance in the beatitude "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." Matt. 5:4. For one struggling with grief following the passing of a friend or loved one, words can seem inadequate to meet the heartfelt need for comfort. But Christ, Truth—the divine message to human thought revealing life in and of Spirit, God—penetrates even the deepest despondency and can awaken the suffering heart to the profound assurance and joy of eternal Life.
It is not unusual to be drawn toward the poignant remembrance of the good expressed in our relationship with a loved one who is no longer here. Sometimes, however, deep wounds of regret or fear are laid bare. Fear of the future or a painful sense of separation may surface and disturb us. The first step in correcting and healing grief-stricken thinking is to be willing to be comforted—willing to listen and respond to the tender, healing influence of the Christ.
In the Glossary of Science and Health, Mary Baker Eddy defines Christ as "the divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error." Science and Health, p. 583. The influence of the healing Christ is ever present in human consciousness, and brings into clear focus the truth of God, Life eternal, and man's relation to Him. In the heart of prayer, we can feel the influence of Christ, Truth, tenderly ministering to us.