We Heal with our lives, more than with our words. In our daily actions we can let the light of spiritual understanding shine in the world, showing the way out of mortal beliefs and fears. In order to do that, our lives must be continually lifted up through obedience to a divine standard. The Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy provides such a standard.
A deep sincerity, an earnest yielding to the divine, is at the heart of being obedient to the Manual. This inspired book feeds the hungry heart that is eager to be a clear transparency for Love. To the degree that an individual acknowledges and obeys divine Principle, Love, he demonstrates in his experience the harmony and freedom of divine Principle.
A woman that I know found this to be so. Although exceedingly gracious, she was very shy. When she took class instruction in Christian Science, her teacher asked that each pupil give testimonies regularly at Wednesday evening testimony meetings. The class read the Manual By-Law "Testimonials," which includes the statement "Testimony in regard to the healing of the sick is highly important." Manual, Art. VIII, Sect. 24.