I have always loved to hike. I love the fresh air, the sounds and smells of nature, and the glorious views at the summit. But I also love the glory of the overcoming that a hike up a mountain involves. The overcoming of lethargy, fatigue, pain, discouragement. I actually enjoy the striving—long before I reach the summit. When the trail in the woods takes a turn to reveal a steep stretch ahead, I like to turn my mental groan into a cheer that this hill will take me closer to the top!
It's possible to see a crisis this way, too. Steep places in our lives can propel us out of rutted, materially based thinking and living to a higher, more harmonious level. As such, these challenging experiences can be approached with a spirit of adventure and the expectancy of great good. Crises can be full of promise, as these lines from a hymn illustrate:
Ye timid saints, fresh courage take,
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy, and will break
In blessings on your head. Christian Science Hymnal, No. 399.