There was a time when I began to feel perplexed by mistakes I was making. A series of mistakes in a project that was important to me made me pull back and say, "Just a minute— this is not the kind of work that I should expect of myself."
I felt whole!
With each mistake I made, I am grateful to say that I was led to find a clear solution, often as the result of pausing to pray. However, each time I had to make these time consuming corrections, I felt my self-confidence starting to falter. In looking for where the blame might lie, I felt afraid that I might not discover the source of the mistakes and be able to correct it. I cast about, wondering if the problem lay in some outside defect such as poor lighting. Then I began to wonder if I were really to blame. This self-analysis led to despair, until I finally saw that I had fallen into a trap; I was consumed with looking for what was wrong with myself, trying to find something that, spiritually speaking, could not be part of me.