Many are perfectly happy with the way their lives are going, while others believe that they have been put in situations that offer little opportunity. Whether it comes from accident, heredity, disease, socioeconomic status, or what is perceived to be just plain bad luck, some may feel that what life offers is just insurmountable. It's frustrating to live at a point where you feel little hope. But there is a way out of this dilemma, and it comes with changing one's perspective about life itself and adopting attitudes that greatly facilitate a new view of life—attitudes such as humility, meekness, and unselfed love.
The rewards of adopting this new perspective are immense. Moving beyond the limited perception that life is entirely defined by matter, we can begin to shed the limitations that inevitably follow as a necessary consequence of such a perception. If we will begin to accept the idea that life is really the manifestation of the divine Life, or God, then we will begin to sense the possibilities that go with that idea.