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From the February 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHEN I BEGAN TO STUDY CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I was delighted to find in Science and Health, a glossary, which offers the spiritual sense—the original meaning—for many Biblical terms. I had often felt that some of the Bible verses had deeper and more significant meaning than appears on the surface. One example is the familiar verse, "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning" (Ps. 30:5).

Surely, I thought it isn't just the coming of daylight that brings joy. A vastly deeper and more healing meaning is given this loved verse because of the spiritual sense of morning in the Glossary. The explanation reads, "Morning. Light; symbol of Truth; revelation and progress" (p. 591). This definition and others in the Glossary have expanded the Bible's grand messages for me, and that new understanding has in turn brought healing into my life.

Some years ago, our daughter, then quite young, said that she didn't feel well. I made her cozy on the couch in the living room where she spent most of the day. That evening after she fell asleep, I went to bed. I awakened in the middle of the night and felt impelled to check on her. Her breathing was labored. Suddenly I was filled with fear. I hadn't turned on a light and the dark night was foreboding. Oh, how I wished it was morning! I reached out to God with all my heart, and the thought that came to me so clearly was, It is morning now.

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