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Alcoholism and health problems overcome

From the December 2010 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Three years ago, I rediscovered Christian Science, and had an instantaneous healing of alcoholism. It began a spiritual journey that to this day continues, with healings of diabetes, heart problems, and stroke along the way.

I went to a Christian Science Sunday School as a child, and I remember the loving prayers of my mother. When I was about sixteen, I fell away from Christian Science. It wasn’t anything planned—just the hectic pace of daily life. I went off to college, did a stint in the service, got married and raised two children. There was a brief time when our kids went to a Christian Science Sunday School, but since my wife wasn’t a Christian Scientist, it didn’t continue for long.

I had a successful career in business, and traveled constantly. In fact, my life was an airplane! I am embarrassed to say that I spent most nights with customers, drinking heavily. Entertaining in the hotel bar meant I only had to get on the elevator and crawl into bed. Though I didn’t give my lifestyle much thought at the time, the truth is I couldn’t go without a drink.

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