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Those who look for me in person

From the December 2010 issue of The Christian Science Journal

“Those who look for me in person, or elsewhere than in my writings, lose me instead of find me,” wrote Mary Baker Eddy in 1906. She was responding to Rev. Frank N. Riale, a clergyman who had written her a letter of praise. “I hope and trust,” she continued, “that you and I may meet in truth and know each other there, and know as we are known of God” (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 120).

This month, which happens to mark the centenary of Mrs. Eddy’s passing, it’s a privilege for us to recognize that her leadership of the Church she founded is secure. As she made clear, it is not and never has been tied to her personality. Whereas some have argued that the flourishing of a denomination is tied to the human presence of its founder, she countered such assertions with insights and provisions of laser-sharp clarity. Everything she taught, the entire statement of the Christ Science, is fully articulated in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Everything needed to perpetuate her Church, an entire body of governing By-Laws, is fully furnished in the Manual of The Mother Church.

As you read, you’ll find more discussion along these lines. This issue concludes the ten-part series on Second-Century Christian Science that has run throughout this past year. And in the spirit of the season, you’ll also find articles like “Christmas—a Celebration of Immanuel,” by Bea Roegge. She explains how “Christly messages, filled with healing joy, are available every minute of the day, or night for that matter, throughout all time.” We look forward to publishing many such messages in the coming year.

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