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Letters & Conversations


From the December 2010 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Blake Windal’s article in the October Journal, “In Sync with God,” (p. 52) brought fresh inspiration to those wonderful words that keep our thoughts aligned with God. He said, “Synchronicity is an attribute of God, divine Principle. I see it as harmonization, or the precise orchestration of God’s ideas.” Wow! God is orchestrating our lives! What a lovely way of saying we are in sync with Him. Mary Baker Eddy tells us in Science and Health, “For true happiness, man must harmonize with his Principle, divine Love; the Son must be in accord with the Father, in conformity with Christ” (p. 337). Mr. Windal’s article helped me to see this truth more clearly.

My deep gratitude for the healing testimony “Liberation from Pain and Immobility” (Barbara Thiel Johnson, p. 40) in the September issue. The writer’s prayer tying “source” ever closer to God was an inspiration. She highlighted a citation from our textbook which I have overlooked and which became a virtual super nova for me: “To reduce inflammation, dissolve a tumor, or cure organic disease, I have found divine Truth more potent than all lower remedies. And why not, since Mind, God, is the source and condition of all existence?” (Science and Health, pp. 180–181). Not just source, but condition also!

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