Some years ago, I was driving down Sunset Boulevard in Beverly Hills at rush hour, when I suddenly began to experience chest pains. I pulled over to the side of the road. In those next few moments I declared spiritual truths, absolute facts about myself, based on what I’d come to understand of what God was knowing about me.
My prayers went something like this: “I am Yours, Father-Mother God. You are the one true Mind controlling every part of me, including heart. I am a compound idea or contemplation of You, the divine Mind, so all I can include are healthy ideas doing their job with integrity. These ideas, making up my being, are performed by Mind, and must be good, pure, and unblocked.
“There is no God-idea in me that could be malfunctioning, diseased, injured, torn, weak, or inadequate to perform its job. There is nothing in me God did not make. The heart is a symbol of divine ideas all working together in concord, full of intelligence and love, the rhythm of Soul; and Spirit energizes, animates, and sustains every motion. Spirit preserves my life in God here and now. I am receptive only to what Mind communicates to me about me. I am wrapped in God’s love. God is my perfect Physician, whose omnipresence and perfect care are always with me.”