A few years ago I found myself very confused and anxious. Although I was raised in Christian Science, I was not active at the time in my practice of Christian Science. I was in a new relationship that I cared about very much, and I became consumed with fear of losing this person. I also had a constant fear of death. I knew these fears were not rational, but I couldn’t shake them.
The irrational fear of losing this relationship completely took over my mind. In social situations I would have shortness of breath, feelings of dread, and, for no conceivable reason, a fear that “something bad would happen.”
Out of desperation, I began going to a therapist. For months and months we discussed my problems. Since she entertained a negative view of Christian Science, she was convinced it was somehow a part of this irrational thinking. Along the way I decided the only thing that could cure my anxiety was to commit totally to therapy and medicine.