One time, when I had spent many hours polishing a tile floor of considerable area, going over it several times, I awakened in the night with a very painful back. Immediately, I saw that under God’s government there was no law that could produce discomfort as a result of a good motive and right action. The pain left instantly, and I slept peacefully all night, arising with my usual vigor.
This healing came about because I understood the divine law of harmony and rejected any suggestion of another law. This insight can help anyone experience healing. We make false laws for ourselves. If we think a certain thing will make us tired, we’ll be tired; or if we think something will make us sick, we’ll be sick; or if we think something might make us ache, we’ll feel the pain—but these are not from God.
The laws of God are good, and they’re meant to keep us healthy and safe. The first dispensation of God’s law was the Ten Commandments (see Exodus 20:1–17), which God gave to Moses. These Commandments form the foundation for the second dispensation, which was Christian law. Jesus gave new meaning to the Commandments because he taught that it’s not just the letter of the law that needs to be obeyed, but also the spirit.