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Of Good Report

Being a Christian Scientist: What does it mean to me?

Youth perspective

From the October 2014 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This article was originally published on as a “Young Voices” blog on July 17, 2014.

Dear friend who wants to know …

On a topic such as this, it’s fair to expect full disclosure. So, I’m obligated to say that I was raised in Christian Science and I’ve spent most of my life regularly attending Sunday School (and irregularly attending church after that). Perhaps most telling is my decision to spend my formative college years in an institution of higher education for Christian Scientists, where I’m still enrolled. And I think by growing up and living in an environment that is so saturated with Christian Scientists, I’ve forgotten how to explain what it means to be a Christian Scientist. It’s like having to explain what it’s like to be alive. 

Despite being fully submersed in what I’d call a Christian Science “bubble,” I eventually realized there are people of other faiths out there. And they aren’t going away. So, I should prepare myself for the inevitable religious discussions.

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