Dear Friends,
We want to let you know about an upcoming change at The Christian Science Monitor. Marshall Ingwerson has asked to step down as the Monitor’s Editor in the next few months to take another important position. The only thing that makes it easier to let Marshall go is to hear why he’s going, so here’s what he says about his new step:
“I have been Editor of the Monitor for three years, Managing Editor for nearly 15 years before that, and a Monitor journalist overall for (wow!) 37 years. Let me add that to this very day—this very moment—I love my job, the team I’m on, and where we’re going with this enterprise. Nonetheless, a rare opportunity has presented itself to serve as the Chief Executive of The Principia, the nonprofit organization that runs the college from which I graduated and a pre-kindergarten to grade 12 school in St. Louis (Missouri, US). Fascinating and important conversations are happening there about teaching and learning as well as the larger questions of how to live and help heal the world.”