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Reading Rooms: divinely authorized

From the May 2017 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I was a new student of Christian Science, and I didn’t own a computer. Nor did I have any of the reference books that the local Christian Science Reading Rooms offered for loan or sale. And at the time, I couldn’t afford to subscribe to the periodicals I was able to freely partake of at a Reading Room. The Reading Room was, to me, a mighty spiritual refuge.

Many years later, and with all of the above-mentioned titles and online capability in my home, I still profoundly cherish the Christian Science Reading Room and its mission. This strong affinity is partially due to an ongoing sense of gratitude for those hours I spent in Reading Rooms studying reference material or borrowing books, CDs, and magazines. But I also continue to cherish the peaceful space Reading Rooms provide, and have experienced many healings while using the Reading Room as a quiet place to pray and study.

This oasis of peace in a fast-paced world provides an abundance of ways in which we can enhance our spiritual growth. I believe my experiences there have given me a heightened appreciation for what its spiritual supplies must mean to an earnest seeker today who may be in need of all the resources it has to offer.

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