Over the years, I have sincerely prayed to resolve family and other relationship issues. Actually, the desire to have harmonious relationships was the main reason I chose Christian Science as a way of life. I didn’t have a good relationship with my father. I yearned to grow spiritually so I could understand my human relationships better.
After many years of praying about this, it finally dawned on me that the antidote or answer to all the challenges in relationships is in the beginning of the Lord’s Prayer: “Our Father which art in heaven.” That’s it—our one and only true relationship. It negates the biggest lie of being born into matter, of originating from Adam and Eve.
The understanding that my and everyone’s Father is Spirit, Mind, brought a sense of release. It assured me that the same divine Mind, our heavenly Father, that communicates with me, communicates with everyone. We all have direct lines, not extensions, to Him. Therefore, He moves each one of us according to His will, which is always good.