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Of Good Report

The smudge on the mirror

From the November 2022 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Have you ever glanced in the mirror and seen a blemish, only to find it was just a smudge on the mirror?  

My mother, a student of Christian Science, once found a coworker looking in a bathroom mirror, distressed at the state of her complexion. Filled with compassion, my mom told her that she was the image of God. Because of that, whenever she looked in the mirror, she could say to herself, I will “lift up [my] face without spot,” as the Bible says (Job 11:15). The coworker appreciated this inspired idea and felt the love behind it. She gladly accepted the advice. When my mom saw her a few days later, her face was spotless. 

Christian Science reveals that there’s only one God, one infinite Mind, so this story reminds me that the only one who truly sees is God. And what does God see in us? It must be the reflection of His own purity, beauty, health, and harmony. We can be sure that any evidence of impurity, illness, or imperfection in the image is actually “a smudge on the mirror”—a material assumption, and not the reality. We want to be quick to scrub those misconceptions from thought, for our sake and the world’s.

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