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Of Good Report

Finding and loving our church home

From the November 2022 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I rolled the last ball of snow to finish a snowman for our three-year-old son in the front yard of our home. This was a new experience for us, since we’d moved across the country to New England for my husband’s job. Another adventure we were looking forward to was joining a Church of Christ, Scientist, and taking an active role in it and in our community. 

On Sunday morning we drove up to the church in our town. Expecting a big building bursting with young families, I was hugely disappointed to find the church was an older home in need of repair, and the Sunday School was small and the service had only a few people in attendance. 

Soon we found a church in another town that was more in keeping with our expectations. The parking lot was full, the Sunday School had many children, and the large congregation included couples our age. Perfect! But as we left on that cold, sunny morning, a tender mental nudge told us that this was not our church home. 

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