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Of Good Report

Prayer and protection in a storm

From the November 2022 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the remote area where I live, two days of rain were forecasted, a welcome soak for my newly planted trees. But the forecast was later updated to a nor’easter, a strong storm with high winds. During the night, I was awakened when my front door—a large glass double door—was forced open by the wind, triggering the security alarm. 

I managed to close the doors, and the only thing I could do to keep them closed was to use the weight of my body against them. From a human standpoint, the prospect of keeping them from breaking open was not good. Sustained gusts of wind (later confirmed at 80+ miles an hour) made it impossible to move away from the doors to get any tools or materials to secure them. If the doors opened again, the damage to the house and items inside could be irreparable.

I began to pray. At the same time, I thought of whom I could call for help, but realized the weather was so bad, no one would be able to get to my house. I knew it was just God and me, and I was comforted by this realization. My prayers calmed my thought and gave me a sense of love and support. I found reassurance and strength in acknowledging attributes of God’s synonyms, as given in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I thought about the fearlessness of Love, the immortality of Life, the voice of Truth, the certainty of Principle, the true knowledge of Mind. 

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