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Of Good Report

Disappointments: Steppingstones to a deeper purpose

From the February 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As a young child, I thought my future would be problem-free. As I grew into an adult, I began to experience many situations that made me feel unprepared and naive. What was I doing wrong? Where was God, and why wasn’t He getting me out of the messes I was dealing with in my life? Life was nothing like what I thought it would be.

I decided there was something more I needed to know. Maybe the issues I was dealing with were not bad if I could see them as opportunities to know more about God and my relationship to Him. 

I was practicing Christian Science, but I began to understand that being a Christian Scientist is more than going to church on Sunday and Wednesday. It is a way of living and thinking. And it holds the solutions to being happy while learning important lessons about our purpose as God’s children.

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