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Safe in God’s allness

From the February 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Looking to be a better healer? Then you’ll want to keep an eye out for articles like this one, appearing periodically in the Journal, the Christian Science Sentinel, and The Herald of Christian Science. Their aim: to correct some of the misconceptions about Christian Science that would keep us from having the results we so desire.

Perhaps you’ve heard a student of Christian Science say, “I did my protective work,” and then share how this protected him or her from an accident or some untoward circumstance. Growing up in Christian Science, I heard that phrase frequently in testimonies, and at that time I understood it to mean that the individual mentally tucked themselves into the protective bubble of God’s allness, and that kept them safe from being subject to chance, accident, and even the negative thoughts of others. But this always left me feeling a bit uneasy because it made me feel there was a real enemy, an evil force opposed to God that I would be vulnerable to; and that I couldn’t do this protective work well enough to ensure complete safety.

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