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Testimonies of Healing

No more epilepsy

From the June 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Originally published in Spanish

In my early forties, I became pregnant with my third child. The pregnancy was joyous news. However, many who knew me commented that a pregnancy was risky at my age and that children of older parents can be born with problems. 

But throughout the pregnancy, I was praying and thanking God for this blessing. I already had two sons, and I learned that I was now going to have a daughter! Thanks to God, my pregnancy unfolded in the best way, and my daughter was born without any complications. 

However, when she was six years old she began showing symptoms of what was diagnosed as a mild case of epilepsy by a close relative who was a doctor. I was told it would not be safe for her to swim, and she would always have learning difficulties. Furthermore, the relative said that in order to manage the condition, which could worsen, she was going to have to take medication for the rest of her life. 

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