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From the January 1958 issue of The Christian Science Journal

FREEDOM, complete freedom, is man's precious heritage as the son of God, not only freedom from evil, but freedom to be the perfect man whom God makes in His likeness. Man's spiritual perfection includes freedom from mental and bodily suffering as surely as from social and civil bondage.

The whole human family seeks respite from suffering. No one wants it, but everyone at some time, in some measure, is faced with it. Suffering sense asks: "What is suffering? Whence comes it? Why must I suffer?"

To these questions, literally thousands have found the answer in the teachings and practice of Christian Science. Not only has this Science exposed the fatuous nature and origin of pain and suffering, but more important, it has revealed the true and lasting spiritual remedy for them by making plain to mankind the truth concerning God and man in His image. "If we are Christians on all moral questions," writes Mary Baker Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 373), "but are in darkness as to the physical exemption which Christianity includes, then we must have more faith in God on this subject and be more alive to His promises."

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