Testimonies of Healing
To give honor to whom it belongs, is an ethical rule which I was brought up to believe in; therefore I desire to make the following statement in honor of Christian Science. In June, 1905, there was born into our family a baby who lived and grew apace as other babies do, till several months old, when she became very restless and seldom got any quiet sleep.
When I think of the transformation that has been wrought in my life through the teachings of Christian Science, love and gratitude prompt me to make this "just acknowledgment of Truth" (Science and Health, p. 372), and of what it has done for me.
IT seems to me that not a few of the readers of our periodicals delay giving their testimonies for publication for the sole reason that they have so much to tell. One truly shrinks from using so much valuable space; therefore, will the readers of this testimony kindly pardon the sparseness of detail in what I have to write.
From childhood I had a very weak constitution, being subject to frequent colds and stomach trouble. Being very ambitious for an education, I continued my studies against great odds until my college course was completed, when the condition of my health prevented me from taking up my cherished occupation.
I would like to express my gratitude for Christian Science. When I first tried it, I was alone in Philadelphia, discouraged and miserable, but my strong desire was to know the truth.
It is with profound gratitude that I give this testimony. Four years ago Christian Science was recommended to me at a time of great physical need, and I was almost immediately healed of an organic trouble of nine years' standing.
Five years ago I was taken with severe lung trouble, which was aggravated by a fear of inherited disease,— several of my family having passed away with it. I was very much frightened, and the verdict from all, including doctors and.
About seven years ago I was stricken with a very acute attack of stomach trouble, for which I immediately placed myself under the care of the best doctors. My suffering at that time was terrible, and medicine seemed to do me no good.
Little did I know when I called for physical help in Christian Science, what divine Love had in store for me. My thoughts go back to childhood days, when my mother was an invalid,—having serious lung trouble, as did also a brother, the family physician calling it hereditary in our family.
I offer the following testimony as an expression of gratitude for the liberty I have found in Christian Science. For over seventeen years I suffered from the effects of a sunstroke, which were manifested in diseases of the stomach and kidneys, etc.