Nassau, N. P., Bahamas, January 16, 1905.
Reverend Mary Baker G. Eddy, Concord, N. H.
Dear Leader: — We the Christian Scientists in Nassau, wish to convey to you our thanks and gratitude for your kind thought expressed in sending copies of "Rudimental Divine Science" for distribution here. We feel sure that they will bring a blessing to those who receive them. We are endeavoring to show forth in our lives our gratitude to you for the understanding of Truth which your pure life has enabled you to receive and give forth.
We remain, dear Leader, in the Christ-love.
On behalf of the Christian Scientists in Nassau, Bahamas.
Mrs. Eddy's Reply.
Christian Scientists, Nassau, N. P., Bahama Islands.
Beloved Brethren: — May you in a distant isle of the sea know "no night there," no sorrow, no pain. May His peaceful presence guard and guide you.
Lovingly yours