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Testimonies of Healing

It is with a heart full of gratitude...

From the September 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a heart full of gratitude for the many blessings we as a family have received in Christian Science that I write this testimony. That God is a present help in trouble was surely proven to me in a street-car accident. The car, which was going at high speed, struck me on the left side of my forehead and threw me several feet. As my family was with me, I was immediately taken to a Christian Science practitioner's home, where my nose was found to be broken and my forehead badly fractured. Though my nose bled to some extent, there was no open wound, and I was perfectly conscious.

The practitioner lovingly treated me, and wonderful help was experienced. During the treatment I became perfectly calm and my nose was set in its normal shape, though no human hand touched it. The swelling over the left eye also went down to some extent. Within two hours I was in my home, and the rest of the night I slept comfortably. There was no pain or suffering of any kind afterward. This experience proves that Truth is the surgeon, for no one could have done such perfect work as was done in this case. God has been our only physician for several years. I am truly happy to know about this wonderful truth that Jesus said would set us free, thankful to God, and grateful to Mrs. Eddy, our Leader, who again brought this message to mankind.—

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