About twenty-six years ago I had what the doctors called a nervous breakdown, and had to resort to sleeping powders to get any sleep. Medicine was taken continually for bowel trouble, but finally the doctors said the bowels were paralyzed. Then for many years I tried various diets to get relief from stomach disorder. I also had hemorrhages, and was operated on several times. During all these years I was almost constantly under a doctor's care, going from one to another of various schools, trying electricity, massage, physical culture, and rest cure, none of which did me any good.
At last I was prevailed upon to try Christian Science, and from the first treatment noticed a great improvement, being able to eat everything and to sleep all night. For fifteen years I had worn glasses, but since taking up Science they have been laid aside. For the healing of these physical conditions and for the great spiritual uplift received through Christian Science, I am most grateful.—Alameda, Cal.