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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science was presented...

From the June 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science was presented to me about twelve years ago, while I was visiting at the home of a relative who had been healed through its teachings. She told me of her experience and I became very much interested, feeling sure that this teaching was just what I wanted, as I was suffering from stomach trouble, headache, also weak eyes for which glasses had been worn for three years.

After returning home I became worse, and obtaining no relief from material remedies, wrote to a Christian Science practitioner for treatment. She advised me to get Science and Health. I did so, and began reading it very carefully. There was improvement from the first treatment and I was healed in a short time. My glasses were laid aside and have not been used since. A quick temper has been overcome, and Christian Science has helped me in every way. About a year ago I was afflicted with severe throat and lung trouble and again called for help in Christian Science, with the result that after several weeks' treatment I was completely healed. This has proved to me that God is an ever present help at all times.

I am indeed thankful to God for all the blessings that have come to me through Christian Science, Each issue of the Journal and Sentinel brings me comfort, peace, and joy. I feel grateful to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, and to friends who have so kindly helped me to look into this healing truth.—

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