I had submitted to two major and five minor operations. I had been assured by a physician at the time of the last one, in 1914, that I would never be troubled again. When the condition reappeared, I was told I would die of blood poisoning if I did not undergo another operation. I had not been able to sit in a chair for days. I felt desperate, and had thought of suicide as the only relief; for I felt I could not endure another experience in a hospital. I sought help of a Christian Science practitioner, and was told I would not die; and I believed it. I left the case entirely in her care, and determined that no matter what might come, Christian Science was my only help. Within one hour after treatment, I had relief. I went back to my home on the fourth day; and when my husband came in, in the evening, I related to him what I had been told; and the unfoldment of the Christ, Truth, was so clear, that I was free. All manifestation of the discordant condition had completely gone. There was no reaction. I was healed. Words cannot convey just what this has meant to me. The spiritual awakening was grand; and I knew I had found the Saviour, the Christ, Truth, through Christian Science. Two years later I was instantaneously healed of the need of wearing glasses for impaired eyesight.
I am well and happy as a result of the power of the Word, as revealed and demonstrated through Christian Science.—Aberdeen, Wash.