It is nine years since we first heard of Christian Science. We were spending the winter in Switzerland, where we had gone for the health of our younger daughter, who was suffering from tuberculous glands. The house in which we had rooms belonged to Christian Scientists, and soon after my husband had returned to England, an American Scientist came to live in the same house. He became very friendly with my little girl, and when the Swiss climate did not bring her the healing we had hoped for, I made some inquiries about the healing power of Christian Science. The American seemed so convinced that treatment in Christian Science would heal her that I asked him for help. In a few days the discomfort and pain from which she had suffered disappeared, and she was healed.
In the meantime, I had bought the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and had studied it; and after I began to understand a little of the beautiful teachings it contains I felt that I, too, could be cured. For eight years I had been suffering from diabetes. I had been told by several doctors in England and on the continent of Europe that there was no real cure for it; that the only thing to do was to follow a very strict diet for the rest of my life. I asked for help in Science, and after a few days found that the fear of eating forbidden things had left me; and when the fear was gone, the bad effects which these forbidden foods were supposed to have upon my health were gone too, and I was completely healed.
After these two healings within a fortnight, we were fully convinced of the truth of Mrs. Eddy's teachings; and both my husband and I took up the study of this beautiful and demonstrable religion. I am most grateful to Mrs. Eddy, who by her writings has taught us what the real man is and his relation to and his oneness with God.—Duffield, Derby, England.