THE power of divine Mind to reach, through the Christ, Truth, the deepest recesses of human thought, thereby to uncover and destroy its false claims, is fully set forth in "Unity of Good" (p. 2). "The true man, really saved" writes Mrs. Eddy, "is ready to testify of God in the infinite penetration of Truth, and can affirm that the Mind which is good, or God, has no knowledge of sin." Since Truth is omnipresent, there is no lurking place in so-called mortal mind where error can hide. Error in its most subtle form is uncovered by the understanding that Truth has infinite capacity for penetrating thought, however material and erroneous it may seem to be.
When it is realized that the seeming realm of matter is but the realm of mortal mind, with an almost infinite number of claims to simulate the power, qualities, attributes, and prerogatives of divine Mind, it will be seen how important a fact our Leader has set forth in the quotation cited above. If mortal belief had a lurking place where it could escape the all-penetrating rays of Truth, then either God would cease to be omnipotent, and error would become an entity, having existence apart from God, or God must know evil.
We are tempted, sometimes, to conclude that certain phases of error which do not quickly yield to the ministry of Truth are beyond the reach of Truth, are not to be uncovered and destroyed. To accept this conclusion is to fall into agreement with error, to become its ally. Error —evil in its more threatening aspects, perhaps expressed as disease which so-called mortal law declares to be incurable, that is, to be beyond the reach of omnipotent Truth—would in the name of disease and sin terrorize the beholder. But no one who has grasped even a glimpse of the fact that because God, infinite good, is all, evil is unreal, will ever be tempted into such erroneous conclusions. In its most violent aspects, no less than in its mild forms, evil is unreal. How much we need to be awake to this, lest, impressed by its seeming reality, we become mesmerized into agreement with error!